This Board, has violated the Washington state RCWs, the Sudden Valley governing documents and their fiduciary responsibility to the members.

This Board, led by AJ Tischleder, Sonia Wold and Josh Bowens, has violated the Washington state RCWs, the Sudden Valley governing documents and their fiduciary responsibility to the members.

As an example, RCW 64.38.035 stipulates that any action agreed to in closed session is not effective unless it is subsequently voted on in open session. This Board has taken many actions for which the minutes show there has not been a vote.

Article VI of our bylaws states that members may inspect documents of the corporation. There is an SVCA form to fill out requesting these documents. Document requests going back to mid-2021 have been ignored without any acknowledgement that they have even been filed.

A fiduciary responsibility applies to any situation in which someone places confidence and trust in someone else to make decisions. This Board hired an interim GM who was paid $300 an hour. During the time he was here, his salary exhausted the full annual amount that was budgeted for a GM, therefore there were no funds available until the next fiscal year. Renovation of the Admin building had been on the capital plan for 2021. This Board removed it and elected to do a poorly planned piecemeal project only addressing the kitchen area. The issues that were found would have been included had there been a full renovation. Meanwhile, Sudden Valley has lost several thousands of dollars of income because the restaurant has not been able to operate per their lease.

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