What Have We Lost?

What Have We Lost

– peace of mind knowing that our well organized Emergency Preparedness Committee and Emergency Text Alert System would provide assistance to SV if needed. FEMA is not coming. NO evacuation plan is in place. We need this Committee NOW.

– no road patrols by our security company
– no spring Firewise pickup
– no weekly e-blasts
– road repairs have not followed the budgeted maintenance schedule
– no kitchen repairs, resulting in no community meeting space for local bridge groups and the SV Woman’s Club
– no Community Cupboard
– 6 months with no ACC.
– no discussion from the community or the Finance Committee before voting to purchase SunMark Realty.
– no transparency. Why can we not get copies of meeting minutes?
– no communication from our executive board. Too many closed sessions.
– no accountability
– failure to follow the 2022 community approved budget
– no confidence that the voices from the community are being heard.

Why are our new GM and Assistant GM not managing? Why are their doors not pen to visits from members of the community. Why is the front desk unable to schedule appointments with them?

Why have so many long time staff members resigned?

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