Who We Are

We are a group comprised of dues-paying property owner Members of the Sudden Valley Community Association. We represent a wide spectrum including parents of young children, retirees, homemakers, business owners, volunteers, recreation enthusiasts, and more. The widely-distributed locations of our homes serves as representation across all Gates.

We have united over a prevailing concern – the current state of our volunteer association leadership and the future of our shared assets.

It’s time to take back our Association. We are Sudden Valley STRONG: Standing Together – Reclaiming Our Neighborhood Governance.

We invite you to join us.

May 20, 2022 UPDATE –

It has come to our attention that there has been an attempt to discredit a member of our community for the ownership of the domain we are operating under. This domain was originally used for the Recreation Special Assessment effort and Sommer Cronck was a part of that effort, which is not a secret. As such, the domain ownership record was still in her name and has since been updated. We apologize for the oversight that has resulted in the unnecessary targeting of a fellow community member.

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